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The Most Important Hour

“waking up early , connecting with nature, and having my quit time are priorities to me ,and they are non- negotiable”.

The most important hour of your day is composed of the thirty minutes after you wake up and the thirty minutes before you fall asleep. This is when your subconscious is very receptive so it’s of big importance what you do in this time. The way you start your day will have a huge impact on how the rest of your day develops.

I’m sure you have had days which have started off on the wrong foot and from then on it got worse and worse — or the opposite where you woke up with that feeling that everything will go your way and then it did. That’s why it’s very important to begin your day well. Most of us just get into a rush from minute one after waking up and that’s how our days unfold. No wonder most people run around stressed nowadays.

What would getting up half an hour or an hour earlier every morning do for you? What if instead of hurrying and swallowing down your breakfast or even having it on the way to work, you get up and take half an hour for yourself? Maybe you even create a little morning ritual with a 10 or 15-minute meditation. Do you see what this could do for your life if you made it a habit?

Here are some activities for the morning ritual. Give it a shot!

  • Think positive: Today is going to be a great day!
  • Remember for 5 minutes what you are grateful for.
  • 15 minutes of quiet time.
  • Imagine the day that is about to start going very well.
  • Watch a sunrise.
  • Go running or take a walk.
  • Write in your journal.

Sleeping Is Not Taking Rest For Today’s Hard Work. It Means Gaining Energy For Tomorrow.

The last half an hour of your day has the same importance! The things you do in the last half an hour before sleeping will remain in your subconscious during your sleep.

So then it’s time to do the following:

  • Write into your journal again.
  • Now is the time for reflecting on your day. What did you do great? What could you have done even better?
  • Plan your day ahead. What are the most important things you want to get done tomorrow?
  • Make a to do list for the next day.
  • Visualize your ideal day.
  • Read some inspirational blogs, articles, or chapters of a book.
  • Listen to music that inspires you.

I highly recommend that you NOT WATCH THE NEWS or MOVIES that agitate you before you are about to go to sleep. This is because when you are falling asleep you are highly receptive to suggestions. That’s why it’s a lot more beneficial to listen or watch positive material.

The planning ahead of your day and the list of things to do can bring you immense advantages and time saving. The things you have to do will already be in your subconscious plus you will get to work very focused the next day if you already know what your priorities are.

Action Step

How will your mornings and evenings look from now on?

Will you get up 30 minutes earlier and develop a little ritual?

What will your last activities be before you go to sleep?

Shakti Moudgil Is In Yoga Coaching And Holistic Healing For More Than A Decade Now. He Is Someone Who Is Committed To Helping People In Every Aspect Of Their Life By Transforming Their Mind, Body And Spirit. His Coaching Is Focused On Connecting These Three Aspects Of Your Life So You Can Live Even More Intentionally And More Mindfully.

If you are struggling to waking up in early morning. Book a 30 mins call with me over the next few days and allow me to help you out in living holistic lifestyle.

I will make you jump out of your comfy bed and achieve things Health, wealth and wisdom.

To Your journey to health.

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